Investigation 2 - Creative Exercise

Ghost Stories (Group Exercise)

tl;dr: Working as a group and within this creative experiment, you’ll try to imagine an encounter with your proposed object and the world around it. To do this, we’ll imagine the folklore, fables, myths and ghost stories that might be told about your haunted devices. Time limit: 2 hours

Precedents and Context

Everything is Someone Cover. Credit Joshua Noble and Simone Rebaudengo

Everything is Someone: Future Fables about People and Technology and Everything in between by Joshua Noble and Simone Rebaudengo

[A] book about objects, technology, humans, and everything in-between. It is composed of seven “future fables” for children and adults, which move from the present into a future in which “being” and “thinking” are activities not only for humans. Absorbing and thought-provoking, this collection explores the point where technology and philosophy meet, seen through the eyes of kids, vacuum cleaners, factories and mountains. From a man that wants to become a table, to the first vacuum cleaner that bought another vacuum cleaner, all the way to a mountain that became the president of a nation, each story brings the reader into a different perspective, extrapolating how some of the technologies we are developing today, will bur the line between, us, devices, and natural beings too. In Everything is Someone the authors translate their experience in working with futures studies, technology, and design in the form of a mix media experience.

Learning Objectives

As part of this exercise you will be asked to:

  • Experiment with creative forms for imagining and building worlds
  • Rapidly prototype everyday scenarios through creative fiction
  • Practice telling stories and imagining experiences around smart and connected objects
  • Explore non-human perspectives on the smart home


Within this creative experiment, you’ll try to imagine an encounter with your proposed object and the world around it. To do this, we’ll imagine the folklore, fables, myths and ghost stories that might be told about your devices.

We’ll take cues from ‘Everything is Someone’ and begin this exploration in class.

The brief is as follows:

Write a short story (<300 words) told from the perspective of a haunted device device.

Submitting your work

Post in #projects and prepare to read your short story in class as an introduction to your project.
